Established in 2006, Falcon Aviation Services is a company known for its high quality and innovative services. Located at the UAE’s premier VIP airport in Al Bateen – Abu Dhabi, the company has successfully delivered a wide array of services including private jet and helicopter charter, aircraft management, Maintenance Repair and Overhauling (MRO), oil and gas aviation support, and aircraft solutions.
Talking exclusively with CALCUS, The Chief Operating Officer Captain Ramandeep Oberoi reflects on Falcon Aviation’s tremendous journey and continuous efforts to ensure their clients are always well served.
Tell us about the company’s journey? It is a matter of immense pride that we are successfully entering the tenth year of our business. We are proud to be here. Although we have worked very hard but it still comes as a surprise to see our tremendous achievements because we did not know our growth would be so overwhelmingly rapid in various segments of aviation.
We initially started as an oil and gas support company because there was no competition at that time. There was only one entity, Abu Dhabi Aviation, which was supporting this sector. The first contract we got was from Total and followed by ADMA. From there on we grew giving support of helicopters to other oil and gas companies, and to other Businesses like private jets, helicopter charters, aircraft management and MRO.
You are also very successful in the business jet sector, tell us about that?
Just a few years down the road while working in the oil and gas sector, we came to realize the potential of the business jets market. And that is when we decided to grow this segment on the side. Business jets is of course a difficult market as the cost of operations is high. But we have successfully managed to maintain that business and made an effort not to loose money on it. And now that we have progressed and learnt the business, we foresee a very bright future in this very challenging sector as well.
Another offshoot of this business is aircraft maintenance, where we started managing VVIP jets and helicopters in addition to starting overhauling our business jets and Helicopters, called the Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) business.
Tell us about your operations at the Bateen Airport?
Al Bateen Airport besides being an Executive Airport is an oil and gas support airport. We have tied up with ADAC to lease part of the Sheikh Zayed terminal and change it into an oil and gas terminal. Currently the terminal handles close to 500 passengers per day. This is a major shift for the airport and certainly also means more business for ADAC. The Bateen Airport caters too for the VVIP Passengers (Royal family) and the VIP market.
What other business is Falcon Aviation Services currently involved in?
Apart from Business Jets, MRO, and supporting the oil and gas sector etc., we have also have a contract to fly three helicopters for Alpha Tours in Dubai. We would also like to start this business in Abu Dhabi as we see the tourism market growing here.
In addition to this, we are also starting our Fixed Based Operations (FBO) and MRO Operations at the Al Maktoum Airport in a bid to growing our business in Dubai.
What do you think entails quality?
Aviation is a very difficult business to succeed as you have to be vigilant and perfect in all segments of the field from purchasing the aircraft, maintenance, management, pilots and Cabin Crew (who are the front face of the company), your cabin crew, on-time performance, and most important safety. So in every section you have to be very competitive.