Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. – AmCham Abu Dhabi announces that Falcon Aviation has become the latest signatory of WOMEN ACHIEVE, an innovative program established by its Women in Business Committee that promotes the professional advancement of women. The program was developed to encourage companies and organizations to give women more opportunities to advance their careers by offering them positions of greater responsibility and leadership.
Falcon is now the 34th organization that has joined an expanding list of leading companies that support the WOMEN ACHIEVE initiative including Al Noor Hospitals Group, AMIDEAST, Bechtel, BrandMoxie, Boeing, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, ExxonMobil, F&E Aerospace, Institute of Management Accountants Middle East, Lockheed Martin Global Inc., Mubadala GE Capital, New York Institute of Technology, Northrop Grumman, Olgoonik Global Security, Parsons, Patton Boggs LLP, and others. As a supporter of the WOMEN ACHIEVE program, Falcon Aviation reassures its commitment to provide a work environment that is favorable to women’s development by empowering women to refine their leadership skills and flourish in their respective jobs and areas of expertise.
Moreover, Falcon pledges to provide greater opportunities for women’s participation in training and career advancement.
“We are pleased to join the AmCham Abu Dhabi WOMEN ACHIEVE Initiative” Falcon management. ” At Falcon we are proud to make gender diversity a priority, through setting aspirational goals for the representation of women in leadership roles, and developing mentoring and training programs to ensure we are developing our top talent, irrespective of gender.”
Matthew E. Byrd, Chairman of AmCham Abu Dhabi, remarked, “We are delighted to have Falcon Aviation sign WOMEN ACHIEVE. AmCham Abu Dhabi is proud to support innovative initiatives, such as WOMEN ACHIEVE, that foster positive change in the business community.”
From Left to Right: Sana Bagersh, Chairperson, Women in Business Committee, AmCham Abu Dhabi and Celine Pedon, Head of Human Resources, Falcon Aviation Services.
Established in January 2013, WOMEN ACHIEVE emphasizes seven key ideals, which direct companies towards acquiring a supportive work environment for the professional advancement of women. These ideals include encouraging women to grow through training, shadowing, coaching, mentorship and internship programs, as well as considering female candidates for new opportunities and the support of ‘rising stars’ into leadership positions. WOMEN ACHIEVE also encourages the induction of women to
serve on boards of various organizations and advocates the importance of fair remuneration for female employees.
Participation in WOMEN ACHIEVE is open to entities of all sizes. Companies that are interested can elect to become signatories by contacting AmCham Abu Dhabi. In addition, WOMEN ACHIEVE signatories receive a certificate of acknowledgement from AmCham Abu Dhabi for their support and are eligible to use the WOMEN ACHIEVE seal on their communication collateral.
Front Row from Left to Right: Sana Bagersh, Chairperson, Women in Business Committee, AmCham Abu Dhabi and Celine Pedon, Head of Human Resources, Falcon Aviation
Back Row from Left to Right : Sharief Fahmy, AmCham Abu Dhabi Board Member; Christina Struller, Membership Director, AmCham Abu Dhabi; Theresa F. Weber, Executive Director, AmCham Abu Dhabi; and Mounia Lamsahhal, Director of Sales and Marketing.
Notes to the Editors:
For press inquiries contact:
Sana Bagersh, Chairperson, Women in Business Committee, AmCham Abu Dhabi, M: +971 50 668 0545,
Email: wib@amchamabudhabi.org
About Falcon Aviation Services:
Falcon Aviation services has established itself as a leader in the aviation market through the provision of innovative products and services. With a main operating base at Al Bateen Executive Airport, the premier VIP airport in the U.A.E., and situated only 10km from the City Centre of Abu Dhabi, Falcon is ideally located to serve its customers. Falcon’s services include corporate jet and helicopter charter, aircraft management, MRO, oil & gas aviation support, aircraft solution and aerospace. Falcon is constantly modernizing its fleet and remains abreast of all the technology in the aviation industry. Falcon is also a founding board member of the Middle East Business Aviation Association (MEBAA) and is an authorized Service Centre for Embraer and Eurocopter. Falcon was established in 2006 to introduce a multifaceted business model that combines offshore helicopters, logistics and VIP jet charters. For more information, follow us on social media (Instagram falcon_aviton_services, Facebook), or visit our website www.falconaviation.ae
WOMEN ACHIEVE is an initiative by AmCham Abu Dhabi’s Women in Business Committee to support the advancement of women into positions of higher responsibility and leadership within companies and organizations.WOMEN ACHIEVE focuses on seven key ideals that direct companies towards acquiring a supportive work environment for the professional advancement of women. The ideals include encouraging women to grow through training, shadowing, coaching, mentorship and internship programs, considering female candidates for new opportunities and promoting ‘rising stars’ into leadership positions. WOMEN ACHIEVE also encourages women to serve on corporate boards and supports fair remuneration for female employees. For more information about WOMEN ACHIEVE, please contact wib@amchamabudhabi.org
About AmCham Abu Dhabi:
AmCham Abu Dhabi (the trademark of the American Business Group of Abu Dhabi) is a member of the global network of American Chambers of Commerce. The AmCham Abu Dhabi mission is to promote commerce, investment and goodwill between the United States of America, the membership, the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates. AmCham Abu Dhabi is an independent, not-for-profit association comprised of Fortune 500 corporations, small and medium sized companies and prominent business leaders and entrepreneurs. AmCham Abu Dhabi provides a uniquely situated platform through which executives pursue and discuss issues impacting business operations between the U.S. and U.A.E. Substantive government advocacy programs, educational and networking programs and customized business service are just a few of the many benefits AmCham Abu Dhabi provides its members. Through the support of its members, AmCham Abu Dhabi has become the recognized voice of U.S. business in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. For more information, visit: www.AmChamAbuDhabi.org